Hurricane !

2008 - Northern Atlantic Ocean basin

Hurricane Gustav
Category 4 hurricane

It's hurricane season on the east coast of the US. I live on a small barrier island that must evacuated under the threat of a hurricane. There is one drawbridge to the mainland that would be inoperable if a hurricane strikes so we evacuate well in advance.
I did have a dream about what could happen and how the water looked after the storm when the stars came out. I must have composed a haiku. I remembered it when I woke up, happy it was a dream within my dream.

stars ripple at the windowsill -- hurricane dream

les étoiles ondulent à la fenêtre -- rêve d'ouragan

Carol Raisfeld
NYC, USA - 2008-08-28

hurricane Gustav targets New Orleans--- yes we can

l'ouragan Gustav cible la Nouvelle Orleans--- yes you can

Fred Masarani
NYC, USA - 2008-08-29

a hurricane will flood New Orleans again--- why live there

un ouragan va inonder à nouveau la Nouvelle-Orleans--- pourquoi vivre là

Fred Masarani
NYC, USA - 2008-09-01

Copyright authors, 2008
trad. fr. Serge Tomé