Hurricane !

2009 - Northwestern Pacific Ocean basin

Typhoon Nr.16 - Ketsana / Ondoy
Category 2 typhoon

On 26-27 September 2009, Typhoon Ondoy, internationally known as Typhoon Ketsana, wreacked havoc in The Philippines, most notably in Manila, where more than half the streets were flooded, entire neighbourhoods were swept away, and some 350 people lost their lives. The devastation is enormous, relief operations can scarcely be carried out, and the population is suffering terribly. And yet, the spirit of the Filipino rises even above these things. There is even room for humor.

Typhoon Ondoy on the poor man's back his pregnant wife

Typhon Ondoy sur le dos du pauvre homme sa femme enceinte

after the storm a swimming competition in a flooded street

après la tempête une compétition de natation dans la rue inondée

sacks of rice at a typhoon relief center ... a child's hungry eyes

sacs de riz au centre de secours ... les yeux d'un enfant affamé

Ella Wagemakers
The Philippines - 2009-10-04

Copyright authors, 2009
trad. fr. Serge Tomé