2011 - Northern Atlantic Ocean basin
Hurricane Irene Category 3 hurricane
shopping for the hurricane---
Yahrzeit Memorial Candles
are on sale
achat d'avant ouragan ---
les bougies du Memorial Yahrzeit
en vente
fog at sunrise---
the overture to
hurricane Irene
brouillard au couchant ---
l'ouverture de
l'ouragan Irene
sunset blue and red clouds draw
a map of a costal line---
Irene nears
coucher de soleil les nuages bleus et rouges dessinent
une carte de la ligne de côtes---
Irene approche
Fred Masarani
NYC, USA - 2011-08-26
New York screeches to a stop---
the dead quiet before
a hurricane
New-York s'arrête dans un crissement de pneus
le silence de mort avant
un ouragan
Fred Masarani
NYC, USA - 2011-08-27
Hurricane Irene
in the semi-darkness
a cold breakfast
Ouragan Irene
dans une semi-obscurité
un petit déjeuner froid
heavy time
slowly ticking the minutes
Hurricane Irene
temps lourd
les minutes passent lentement
Ouragan Irene
Adelaide Shaw
a hurricane---
the flies think
my kitchen is a storm shelter
un ouragan ---
la mouche pense
que ma cuisine est un abri de tempête
Fred Masarani
NYC, USA - 2011-08-28
after the hurricane---
the skyline lights
burn bright
après l'ouragan ---
les lumières de la ligne d'horizon
Fred Masarani
NYC, USA - 2011-08-31
Hurricane Irene hit land on the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. and what was left of it (after
much destruction and many deaths) actually made its way to the Maritimes in
Canada (where I was) - we got some heavy downpours (I was right on the Bay
of Fundy, an inlet called Courtenay Bay) but mostly we just had a day of
wild, wild wind.... with damaging in gusts, and many trees were knocked
down... in the centre of the town, at King's Square, an old, longstanding
one was ripped up at ground level. Still, we were lucky. Other places in the
province had a lot of flooding.
spent hurricane
still wild enough to uproot
ancient trees
l'ouragan est passé
encore assez de vent pour déraciner
les vieux arbres
Dina E. Cox
Unionville, Ontario, Canada - 2011-09-02